Friday, August 24, 2007

study to be happy

come all ye ppl.lets take our minds to the grandeur of the elizabethan era and focus our very much dwindling brains to the splendour of the very person who coined the depths of the english language; shakespeare. as He once pointed out thru the voices of the characters of 'Macbeth', 'life is walking shadow which struts and frets..'

no, i'm not doing Macbeth now, neither am i doing shakespeare. But i surely am 'struting and fretting' across te stage of studies!

ok rekha. cut the crap

Right now as i'm typing, I am simple laying out the flowers and streamers for my very own lovely. and when i am done I shall lay my body on it, and peacefully devour every moment of my failures.....and then maybe when i am in hell...or with some luck, heaven, i shall write a book titled, 'rekhas many many failures in her first year at NUS.'

yes yes, i am crapping again am i?????

rekha is not suppose to be blogging
rekha is suppose to be studying
rekha is prob the only uni student not studying
and rekha is going to be lost next week
and rekha is not gng to get her points
and 4ys later
rekha is not going to achieve her aim of first class honours
now rekha is officially allowed to

okok.cannot.caonnaot cannot cannot
i am officially turning into a nerd.
better make sure that i become a geek
so no more roaming around aimlessly around the campus
no more brownies with ice cream topped with gossipping
study study study
and oh, shall we be happy!

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